Time of Judgment
Time of Judgment
(The Cry of Sodom and Gomorrah,
The Lasy Days Of America,
The Towers Have Fallen, but We Missed the Message)
David Wilkerson
The Lord said to Abraham,
“The cry of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah
has come up to my ears.”
(Genesis 18:20)
Folks, there is a cry to sin,
a cry that only reaches the ear of God.
We do not hear it as He hears it.
God says, “They have sinned so mightly.”
And the Bible says that Abraham stood before the Lord.
Evidently the Lord dismissed or sent the angels onto Sodom.
There is the cry of vengeance.
“I’m going to destroy the world because of violence.”
We see this happening again in the United States
and around the world.
The Bible calls it lawlessness.
And this is the flash point of God’s judgment.
We reach that point already in our society.
250,000 homosexuals marched down
5th Avenue New York City.
They call it gay pride day.
It’s happening all over the world suddenly.
You know your Bible.
How is the devil going to be able to destroy
the authority of the Scripture?
He’s going to do it by having a whole generation
believe the Bible is a lie.
Because men are marrying men
and women marrying women.
I hope you can see it and understand it.
Let me tell you why God was moving against Sodom.
In Sodom and Gomorrah when they stayed in the closet
the cry had not yet been fulfilled.
The cup of iniquity had not been yet filled,
even when the word spread,
even when the angels heard the word
“You can’t sleep on the streets. The streets are unsafe.”
But still it wasn’t the time of judgment.
The time for judgment came
when the moment of lawlessness broke out.
And homosexuals took the law
in their own hands, and they tried to break in the house
and attack and rape the angels.
They said, “That’s it. We came to investigate.
It is hopelessly lawless now. Judgment was declared.”
God said to David, “I know every misdeed, every sin,
and I will deal with it by My own hand.”
(Psalms 50:21)
Folks, God’s been warning.
But God is going to judge the sins of our nations
and especially America.
God said, “I will do it by My own hand.”
We love America.
We love this home land of ours.
But, oh God we know there comes a time
when God releases a nation to judgment
and America’s been released to judgment.
There’s something that is risen out of your nation.
You’re not neglecting God now.
There is a voice coming forth
that has declared a war on God.
You know what it is.
It’s our Supreme Court.
There’s blood on their hands, evil old men,
God-haters, protecting baby-killers
and atheistic rights.
They’ve shaken their fists to God,
daring Him to react to their flint of rebellion.
Do you remember?
When Isreal became so corrupt,
corrupted worse than Sodom,
the prophet Ezikiel said,
“even the daughters of Philistine are shocked
at your lewd ways.” (Ezikiel 16:27)
Even the ungodly, heathen Philistines blushes at you.
The whole world blushes at our wickedness.
America is dying.
But Zion is rising.
A holy city of God
Go about your work
but with this glorious hope in your heart.
And when you see these fearful things
don’t let it shake your heart.
Listen, folks
Get it in your heart.
God’s gonna keep you, protect you,
see you through even in the suffering.
But that’s only gonna bring
the graces of Lord Jesus in our hearts.
Lord, we tremble at the Word of God.
We tremble, oh God.
We want to hear Your message.
We want to hear Your voice in this.
This nation must repent.
God, this nation must turn back to You.
We have such little time left.
God we weep for our nation.
But, oh God we feel your tears.
Oh God, in Jesus’ name we repent before you.
I repent.
We all repent of our sins before You, Lord.
My God, forgive us and our churches.
Forgive our pastors.
Forgive me.
Forgive all of us,
for not warning the people,
for not being in touch and hearing
and knowing the voice of God,
not hearing the prophetic word of the Lord.
Oh God, have mercy on this nation.
Oh God, have mercy.
My Lord, have mercy upon us.
God we pray for the Christians and leadership.
You want to have mercy on this nation.
You want us to turn to You so that
You can bring back Your favor and blessing and protection.
Oh God, in Jesus’ name spare Your people,
protect Your people in these hard times.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Blessed be the holy name of Jesus.
God You have everything under control.
You know what You are doing.
You know what’s happening.
Lord Jesus You hold Your church.
You hold Your people.
You have the purpose
to protect Your people these last days.
You will protect oh God
and You will give us Your mind and Your will.