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Pleasing Lord’s heart

Pleasing Lord’s heart

(Pleasing God)

David Wilkerson

The saving of one lost soul is pleasing to the Lord.

You remember the story in the 15th chapter of Luke? (Luke 15:3-10) Jesus gave a parable about a shepherd who had a hundred sheep, and one of these sheep went astray, was lost.

And the Bible said the shepherd left ninety nine and went out until he found, didn’t give up until he found the lost sheep. He didn’t whip the sheep, didn’t chastise it, didn’t say a word, but lift up that bruised sheep. And the Bible says, put him, girdled him in his arms, and rejoiced.

The Bible says there’s more rejoicing in it. There’s great rejoicing, more rejoicing of one lost sheep that is found than the ninety nine in the fold, rejoicing in the presence of all the angels. It doesn’t mean the angels were rejoicing alone.

They’re rejoicing and they saw the gladness of the heart of the Shepherd. It was the joy that was in the heart of the Heavenly Father, because one lost sheep, one less sheep in hell, one more sheep that gave a joy to Christ as He presented to the Father.

And every soul that I win to Jesus, I give in to His hands so that He can present to the Father.

That is His greatest joy.

This is so pleasing unto the Lord, the Scripture says. It was one lost sheep (that) rejoices His heart.

I was a hundred fifteen pounds, skin and bones, sacred to death of cities. And I remember that call. And I remember the Lord breaking my heart over the lost souls. God said, “Go. Minister to those gangs.”

And I remember walking the streets saying,

“Lord, lead me to the lost.”

“Give me divine appointments.”

And I remember walking up to Sunny. He’s looking front left sides, saying to himself, just waiting, breathing breathlessly for his pusher for heroine.

I went up and said, “I want to talk to you.”

He said, “Are you a narco?”

“I’m not a narcotics agent. No.”

I said, “This is my Bible. Narcos don’t carry Bibles.”

And the Lord led me to say, “Some have been praying for you.”

He said, “Oh, boy. My Hallelujah mother sent you to me.”

I said, “I don’t know your mother.”

“She’s been praying for me for years. Now here you come.”

You see, it was one skinny scared man.

It was just a heart that I couldn’t invent. It’s something of brokenness that God himself has to do. But I prayed for it. I ask God for it.

You see, unless the Holy Ghost comes …

You wouldn’t go out and talk to as many as you want unless you believe the Holy Ghost is gonna hold their hearts.

No one comes to the Father except through the Holy Spirit.

And what we need to be praying,

“Oh, God. Send the Holy Spirit throughout all of the city and begin to move.”

But I’m telling you. You wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be here, unless there’s obedience to call to go to the streets.

If you really want to start winning souls ….

You win them because you’ve been on your knees as God has broken your heart. And you believe in the power of the Holy Ghost. He will give you the words.

“But, Oh God. We would have something from Your heart.

You have to do it. We can’t work it up.

All we need, Jesus, is to hear Your word.”


“I’m ready. I want to be Your servant. I want to please You.

And this pleases You the most, the winning of the lost, finding the lost sheep.”

Bring them into Your heart.

Restore them.

And use this people now to find and win them back to You Jesus, we pray.

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