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It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to wake up!

(Breaking the yoke)

David Wilkerson

Think of this. Over 1900 years ago this was written.

knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.

Romans 13:11

The night is far spent, the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, …

Romans 13:12

Get rid of those idols.

… and let us put on the armor of light.

Romans 13:12

If nineteen hundred years ago it says, the night is far spent, the day is at hand, a new day, how much more now?

You know what makes me cry? These disciples of Christ, who were so far removed from His coming, were expecting that any moment. They lived diligently. They spent their lifetime.

Jesus wasn’t first. He was everything. I mean they gave everything. Yes.

We who are so close to His coming live so carelessly. After nineteen hundred years since it is written.

Think of it. If it’s time to awake then, what time is it now?

What time is it now?

I don’t know what God’s gonna have to do.

I don’t know what God has to do to every city.

I don’t know what He has to do at the church.

But He said,

“It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

(Hebrews 10:31)

and He is talking to the church.

He said, “It’s a frightful thing.”

We’re not taking it frightful.

We created God in our concept.

We have concept of God that He is so loving, He is so merciful.

Yes, He is,

to those who follow Him in righteousness.

God so loved the world

He gave His only son

John 3:16

Yes, He loves the whole world.

But there comes a time when God says,

“My justice must now be satisfied.”

He said, “That’s it.”

He begins to move.

Folks, we’re not hearing it.

“I’m saying it but you’re not hearing it.”

Only the Holy Ghost can make it real.

“It’s all over. The party is over.”

Let me ask you how you’re spending your time.

You say ‘Lord, Lord. He is my Lord.’?

What do you do in your spare time now?

But you say,

“Brother David, I’m a housewife.

And all God expects of me as

Christian house wife is to have a home,

where there’s a comfort,

where there’s peace.

Do you mean I’m expected to carry the burden of the Lord?

I’m expected to weep between the porch and altar too?”


You say,

“I’ve done my part.”


I’m saying we haven’t done our part.

I’m saying we’ve not taken His yoke.

We’ve not wanted His halter.

Some of you put it in eight hour day on your job,

and when you walk out of that job

you say, “I’ve done my part.”

I hope nobody at works feels after job it’s all over.

I’m gonna tell you something right now.

He’s gonna move in His fury and His wrath.

Because He said, “You’re living in a lie.”

You say, ‘He is Lord, He is Lord.’

You won’t take His burden.

You won’t take His yoke upon you.

May I be asking you?

How many of you wives, husbands,

drive through the city, or ride subway,

how many of you wept?

When is the last time you wept over the lost?

Have you gone so custom too?

It dosen’t move you anymore?

I’ve been in the city now for thirty years.

It’s moving me now more than ever moving me before,

because I’m getting the burden of the Lord.

I’m realizing that it is not enough,

just to go out, pass out literature,

not just enough to have a job for Jesus.

I’ve got to have His spirit upon me.

His brokenness

I’ve got to be able to pray

“Oh Lord, do something in my heart.

I’m just not an errand boy.

I want Your heart.

I want You to break me.

I don’t want to tell the word

that ‘He is my Lord.’ and live a lie.

Because I’m not praying and not weeping.”

Are you reading the Bible?

Are you digging into it?

That’s what God said to us

to go deeper in this Word.

You have time.

You say you don’t have time.

Yes, you have time for everything else.

“I’m gonna judge you for it.”

“You get my yoke upon you.

You take my burden upon you.

You get this halter upon you.

You walk with Me.”

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