A deeply contrite heart
A deeply contrite heart
(Zadok and Abaithar Priesethoods)
David Wilkerson
Now I’m gonna really get to the sin.
An unquenched fire in the flesh
A smoldering ember
An unquenched ember
This is only for those who want to go on with Him. This is only for those who say, “Whatever the cost I want His fullness. Whatever it takes, Lord.”
This is only for men who have a cry for righteousness. If you want to be like the crowd and go your way, you won’t hear a word of this.
But if God’s been stirring you, you’ve been walking in brokenness before the Lord, you’re gonna hear it, you’ll hear it
and I set My face against them. [Though] they have come out of the fire,
yet the fire will consume them. …
Ezekiel 15:7
In other words, there’s been a sort of deliverance. They’ve come out of this flashing fire.
Let’s appose it was lust, the lust of the flesh.
The lust itself has not been removed. There’s still a lingering ember of lust. He’s been delivered from the fire and the end of the fire consumes him because the ember’s still burning.
The trouble is we go around flashing our X-rays and not getting the operation. X-rays don’t heal.
“You who are far away, hear what I have done; And you who are near,
acknowledge My might.” Isaiah 33:13
Sinners in Zion are terrified; Trembling has seized the godless.
“Who among us can live with the consuming fire?
Who among us can live with continual burning?”
Isaiah 33:14
Where’s a man who in his early ministry has this thing break out in him, this failure, this breaking down of righteousness in the life?
It’s not dealt with. It’s continued year after year. It’s covered and it’s covered …. There’s layer after layer after layer … of subjection. There’s layer after layer ….
I enjoy what a pastor said. (I am) so glad to hear that this morning how God’s getting through all those layers.
He’s doing that through all of us getting through those layers that we build up, layer after layer of having pushed it down and not gotten to the very smoldering embers.
That charring process, that outwardly your branch can look so good, but there’s charring inside, it’s burning inside, it’s coming out until suddenly that black spot and there will be a flash point
The Lord began to show me this past week even in this search.
I’m just now coming into the greatest hunger He has ever given to me to go on with Him. And He’s been showing me some things that He would not be ready to show me before I said, “Lord, I prayed all these months.
I’ve been opening coming to light Why didn’t you show it to me?”
“You weren’t listening yet. You weren’t prepared to hear this. If you want to hear this, you cross the line, then I can use you.”
He’s showing me some things that have been there for years in my early ministry, some mistakes I made, some weaknesses I allowed.
Saul was destroyed because of that smoldering ember. Solomon was destroyed because of it. There’s a whole catalog of men in this book that have been destroyed because of it.
He said,
“You’ve got a heart toward me now.
You’ve made up your mind.
You’re gonna all the way with Me.
I’m gonna let you be afflicted.
I’m gonna allow things in your life that confuse you.
Because I’m trying to get it some.”
It’s a furnace of affliction.
But then He says,
“When you’re in that affliction, perhaps even coming out …
Then if you’ve developed the listening ear,
I’m gonna show you you’ve got to pluck out those roots.
There’s got to be a circumcision of your heart.”
I guess I’ve been rejoicing because I thought there’s no evidence. I wouldn’t do it outwardly. (But) you can still have those roving eyes. You can still have that smoldering ember.
God wants to circumcise that. He wants to get it that root and have that plucked out, absolutely plucked out. so that God says,
“Brother, sister. You crossed that line.
I know your hearts for Me now.
I proclaim to you new things from this time,
even hidden things that you’ve not known.”
I told you the glory of His name is linked to the holiness of our character and that lingering evil in us can profane His name.
How do I get that smoldering ember? Because there was no outward expression of it, I thought I can live with it.
The Lord says, “No.”
“Now I want the root of it.
I want you have total freedom.
I don’t want you to have ever feared again in your life ever.
I want you walk anywhere, look any man in the eye.
I want you walk in that freedom.”
If you come to light, He will show it to you. He dug it out of me and said,
“David, I’m gonna get the roots out of you.”
Usually, most of time it has to do with lust.
That’s right.
Lust which comes from the root of pride.
All vice, it says, comes from pride.
Do you have a hearing ear this morning?
He has given you the listening ear so that He can tell you what that last root is that hinders you from being totally used.
I tell you what. He’s not about to pour on you a spirit of usefulness with that thing still smoldering, because if He does and He raises your branch you can be seen among the branches high and lifted up even though it’s to the glory of His name.
It’s gonna break out there at that height and you will bring reproach to His name beyond anybody else.
He will not use you. He’ll let you go so far. He will cause you just level off. Then there will be a small decline.
You will wind up in the wilderness and you’ll start withering, because you’re not hearing.
I just come to the light.
Only the holiers are bold as a lion. Only the righteous. Your boldness comes from your righteousness of Christ. You walk with God. That’s what gives you boldness.
Circumcise yourself, your heart.
Lord, circumcise us.
Saints, I feel God do some profound in our hearts. I’m glad I came just for what He’s been doing in me. He’s really been doing something in me. I know He’s doing something in your heart right now.
Lord, go deep this morning.
Forgive us our gossiping lips, our unclean lips, unclean hearts.
Lord, if our lips are unclean, our hearts are not being dealt with.
Help us to deal with it this morning!
He wants all the sin out pierced.
We walk in freedom!
Let’s just say
“Lord, we love You.
Thank you for Your mercy.
You’ve been talking to us in love.
Thank You Jesus.”