Preach the gospel to the nations
Preach the gospel to the nations
(Every Believer is Called to the Nations)
David Wilkerson
I see a world now going to hell. These nations are going to hell. These nations, most of them have such little light burning.
I want you to get a map. I want you to pray over it.
“That’s my nation, Lord.
I’m gonna take it on my heart to pray.”
You pray everyday. Everyday you pray about it. You learn as much as you can about that nation. You pray about that nation. You pray for the whole world but you focus on that one nation.
You are praying for that country. You’ll pray one prayer that Jesus said to pray
“Send forth laborers to this country.”
There’s not a missionary on the face of the earth anywhere on the earth that’s there for any other reason but because somebody pray for them there. The majority of you can’t go. The majority of you, God really doesn’t have plans for you to go.
Because you’re to stand back here, He called you. There has to be this supporting body, praying for your pastors when they go, praying for missionaries, or short termers, whatever it may be
You have this burden of the Lord. The time gonna come that you’ve got to add something to your prayer time. You can’t just spend time praying about your family, your welfare, paying your bills. That’s fine. But there has to come a time you reach out far beyond your own family,
far beyond your own desires and your own needs, and you pray for nations.
Paul the apostle was sent forth as a result of prayer happened in Antioch,
where certain prophets and teachers began to pray over the harvest.
As they ministered, the Scripture said, to the Lord and as they fasted, the Holy Ghost said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
Acts 13:2
So they’ve been sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed into Seleucia to Cyprus, Paphos. In other words, they started their journey there with a prayer meeting.
They were praying about the harvest and fasting. And they were fulfilling
the prayer of Christ.
“Fields are white (already to harvest).
Pray, ‘Lord, send forth laborers into the vineyard.’
They were doing just that.
And after the end of the day, after the day of fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit says,
“Lay hands on Barnabas and Saul. Send them out to the mission field.”
Sent forth by the Holy Ghost
What do you mean by 'sent forth by the Holy Ghost'?
“Born out of prayer”
Anybody who goes to the mission field and not backed up by prayer is never going to have the victory that could be theirs if they only were sent forth by prayer through the Holy Ghost.
Remember the story of Peter. He goes now on Japa. The Bible said,
he aborted (tarried) there for many days
(Acts 9:43)
What was he doing in Japa? He was waiting for his next assignment. I believe that God has intercessors to His people that get assignments from God.
But in Japa he’s just praying and waiting on the Lord because he’s offered himself to Lord. “Use me where You want.” And he was on roof top and he’s praying.
And three men come from a man called Cornelius a centurion, a gentile,
a head of a Italian band. These three men says,
“What the Lord said, we have an assignment for you.
This is your next assignment.
Will you come?
An angel’s appeared, and we were told to invite you to come.
And minister the Lord to us. Minister the truth.”
And he goes down. And that's his next assignment
Are you open for an assignment?
Anywhere God would choose.
Sometimes God will pick you right out of a very prosperous assignment
and send you to another, just as do Philip where great revival’d broken out. In the middle of that revival others were sent to take his place.
When He saw the helpers were there the Lord said,
“I want you to go down into the desert and minister to one man.”
He is open to the assignments of the Holy Ghost.
Lord, speak to everyone in this place, everyone hearing me.
I pray, Lord, that you help us to follow through.
Lord, let there be a volume of intercession rise.
Lord, I’m praying now that our prayers raise up missionaries all over the world.
Lord, You’re gonna raise them up out of countries that they pray
Even the countries that they pray, You will raise up missionaries to go to other countries.
Heavenly Father, You can use everyone of us.
Lord, You can use the most untalented.
You can take that gifted and the ungifted.
You can take what is unclean and make it clean and purify and prepare.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me
in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:18-20