The Jealousy of God
The Jealousy of God
(The Jealousy of God)
David Wilkerson
The heart of the gospel is the love of God for His children. We have talked to you about His delivering power. In fact, that revelation of the love of God and His delivering power brought Moses down to his face before God.
The scripture says,
Moses, this is after his revelation of who God is,
“Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped.”
Exodus 34:8
And made him a worshipper. When you see the love of God you will worship. You will worship a Father who sent His own son, so full of love for His church.
There is more to the revelation. It’s in the same chapter.
Exodus 34:14
“whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God”
Jealousy is always associated with love. The Lord is the Divine lover. He has eyes only for His spotless bride.
Do you know that the Lord is captivated by His church? He is so in love with His people.
The bride of Jesus Christ is the apple of His eye.
He purchased it with His own blood and with His own life. And He is dedicated to that bride
He loves her with a passion. He is passionately in love with His bride. And He is passionately jealous over her.
To be jealous means to be intolerant of any unfaithfulness in love. In other words, God will not put up with any cheating. He will not put up with any other love creeping into your life.
He will not allow His bride have eyes for others. No roving eyes.
He said,
“I have eyes for you. You have eyes only for me.”
He is envious and He gets angry, if His beloved allows any other lover or any other interest
to enter in to rob or to cause that bride to lose interest in Him.
He is very jealous over that special love and God is vigilant in maintaining, and guarding that love.
The Lord is guarding by the Holy Ghost. He is guarding that love that you have for Him and that He has for us.
God demands exclusive devotion into Himself. He demands it. It’s not that He request it. He demands it. He is a jealous lover.
He said,
Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1John 2:15
The world creeping in, Something else creeping in that has your time, Something else creeping in that has your thinking, Something else creeping in that has your attention, rather than Him
The Bible said,
As the bridegroom rejoice over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee
Isaiah 62:5
God has been a faithful lover to you
Not one of you can say, “God’s ever cheated on you,” “God’s ever let you down,” that this God who loves you so much has never provided for you.
He has been absolutely, utterly faithful.
With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.
thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.
Psalms 89:1-2
God said to Israel, “I’ll be merciful to you. I’ll be gracious to you. I’ll be long-suffering to you. I’ll deliver you from all your enemies. But I’ll not deliver those who are guilty.” “I will no way however, clear the guilty. I will visit their iniquities upon them and upon their children.”
(Exodus 34:6-7)
Who are these guilty ones? God says, “I’ll cut you off. I’m merciful to those who love me. I’m merciful to those who walk in repentance. I’m merciful to those who are devoted to me and
have eyes only for me. But I will not excuse the guilty ones.”
“In fact, I’ll cut them off. I will visit their iniquities upon them and their children and their children’s children to the 4th generation.”
What does He mean? ‘I’ll not excuse. I’ll not put up with the guilty.’
Guilty of what? What is guilty He speaking of here?
In fact, it’s a guilty that so evil, it so disturbs God that His jealousy smokes. That means it’s fiery. it’s just powerful, full of anger, full of wrath, a jealousy that smokes against the guilty.
Who are these?
The guilty who, those that are guilty of the sin of alienation
Israel has found a new love, a new heart interest. Actually Israel got bored with God.
They got bored. Eyes for the idols. They looked at the idols of all the people.
They wanted something to feel. They wanted something to touch. They didn’t want this invisible God. They wanted a God they can touch.
In every instance in the Bible where jealousy of God is mentioned, it’s always tied to idolatry.
The Bible says,
Israel provoked God to jealousy with strange gods with abominations. They provoked Him to anger
Deuteronomy 32:16
What about the bride of Christ? What about the church of Jesus Christ, the body of Christ in the world today? Are we provoking our Lord to jealousy? The Lord began to show me some of the idols that have enter into our own hearts and our lives.
We are provoking our Lord and Savior to jealousy today.
The idol with self-help provokes God to jealousy what we turned to the flesh in time of need,
in time of trouble.
God said, “I’ve found you. I’ve rescued you. I told you I have all that you need for every trouble, for every trial. You’d depend only on me. You’d not rely on men.
You’d not rely on flesh. I am your lover. I am your provider. Don’t turn to men. Don’t turn to this world.”
Let me talk to you the secondly about idolatry of fretting.
The foolishness of man perverts his way: and his heart frets against the Lord
Proverb 19:3
That word fret means to be eaten up with something. This word fretting means to worry and to get peeve, because things aren’t happening the way you think they should happen.
We began to fret. The scripture says,
Their heart frets against the Lord
‘Trust’ is the highest form of affection.
If you say you love somebody, you’re gonna trust them. If the trust isn’t there, there’s no basis for true love.
If you say you’re gonna love God, you’re gonna fully trust Him. That’s a high and holy kind of worship
You may not see it with a natural eye. But I want you to see something in the spiritual eye tonight.
It is an evil idolatry to serve the spirit of fear and worry. We serve the idol of fret or worry simply because we’re not fully persuaded that He’s gonna keep us, that He’s involved in our lives.
Commit the keeping of your soul to Him and well doing is unto a faithful creator. Commit your way unto the Lord. Trust in Him. He shall bring you to pass.
And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised He was able to perform.
Romans 4:21
Do you sit here tonight worried? Are you eaten up by some kind of anxiousness about someone or something in your home or your life?
If you persist in that…
you say, “I’m only human, Pastor. Yes, I am worried. I am concerned.”
That’s abomination before the Lord. That causes Him to be very very jealous because He has everything, He knows what’s going on. In fact, right now while you are blind to what He is doing. He’s working here, He’s working there. He’s working every area of your life. He’s working things out in His way and His time.
He wants just you to sit back in His arms, and let Him love you and you love Him in return,
and let Him do the work.
Is Jesus enough for you? Have you proven that Jesus is enough, that He is all sufficient, He is all things for all times, at any time?
I feel in my own heart that I make God jealous more than any other way in my own personal life, when He sees me spending so much time on something else other than Him.
It must be making terribly jealous when we neglect Him day after day week after week.
If you don’t want to pray,
If you don’t want to be in His presence,
you really don’t love Him.
No matter what you say,
No matter how you sing,
If you love Him, you want to be alone with Him.