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Be prepared!

Be prepared!

(God is Training a Holy Remnant,

The Cost of Anointing,)

- David Wilkerson

God is raising up the most dedicated army on the face of earth!

Never before anyone is as pure, devoted, fearless as this remnant that’s coming forth.

They’re gonna come forth and do exploits.

They’re gonna shake hell literally!

This new army is gonna be made up of handmaids of the Lord.

It’s gonna be made up of the servants of the Lord, Ordinary Christians,

who lay hold of God and God lays hold of them.

A whole new realm of service,

A whole new realm of moving in the Holy Spirit is about to break forth.

He’s gonna raise up a Samuel company!


The Holy Remnant

Many of them are not going to be prepared.

They’re gonna come running to you.

“What’s the word of the Lord?”

“What’s God saying?”

Oh folks, get into this Book!

Get into this Book!

Get alone with God!

Let Him begin to speak to you!

Now in these meetings, here!

Not another time!

You may be promised before.

But, now! Tonight!

Open your heart!


the things that were despised.

I shall raise them up and anoint them.

I’ll send them forward to do exploits my name.

Volunteer your soul, body, spirit and mind.

Cry out to the Lord.

Here I am.

Send me!

I will lay hold upon you.

I will anoint you.

I will open doors for you.

I will stir your heart and you will know me,

you will know my voice.

I will use you to glorify my name.

You will never have a name but my name will be glorified

through your lips and your heart.

You will never be recognized.

But I will recognize you.

And on that day I will reward you

because you were faithful to the call.

Say, “God! once again use me!”

“If you pay the price, I will open doors for you.

I will speak through you.

I will use you again like you have never concieved.”

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