A Holy Remnant

A Holy Remnant
(God is Training a Holy Remnant)
- David Wilkerson
God is doing something very hidden.
It’s very quiet but it’s so awesome and supernatural.
It’s beyond human comprehension.
In fact what the Lord’s doing right now
is gonna effect the whole world these last days.
He’s preparing a very small but most powerful army of
dedicated Christians, far more dedicated than anybody who followed Hitler.
They were considered to be among the most loyal people on the face of the earth.
Folks, this army God is raising up
is going to be the most dedicated army on the face of the earth.
Never before anyone is as pure, devoted, fearless
as this remnant that’s coming forth.
They’ll gonna come forth and do exploits.
They’ll gonna shake hell literally.
This new army is gonna be made up of handmaids of the Lord.
It’s gonna be made up of servants of the Lord, ordinary Christians
who lay hold of God and God lays hold of them.
A whole new realm of service
A whole new realm of the moving in the Holy spirit
is about to break forth.
Much of God’s plan that I want to share it can be found in 1 Samuel.
He’s gonna raise up a Samuel company.
The Holy Remnant!
Lord said to Samuel
Behold I will do a thing in Israel
at which both the ears of every one that hear it shall tingle
1Samuel 3:11
It’s gonna be a shocking thing that God does.
This new thing’s gonna amaze and startle everybody.
It’s the judgment of God on an old religious system
and the raising up of a whole new program with the Holy Ghost.
That’s what you see in 1 Samuel.
It’s all about the death of old church, religious system
and the birthing of a new holy remnant.
I want you to keep in mind what God did in Samuel’s day.
He keeps doing in every generation.
And every generation, when so called church, the organized church backslides, gets cold and compromising.
God just gives up on it and raises up another.
He’s always had a people after His heart.
He’s always had a praying people in every generation.
And that’s called the remnant all through the ages.
There’s gonna remnant.
But all this remnant is coming.
It’s gonna be beyond anything the world has seen.
And 2nd chapter beginning 27 verse right down the rest of chapter
And he said behold the day is coming
I’m gonna cut off your arm
I’ll cut off your arm
1Samuel 2:31
So I’m gonna quit this house Shiloh.
I’m gonna remove my presence.
I’ll make you powerless.
I’ll judge you, wicked pastors.
I’m gonna pronounce Ichabod on you.
And thou shall see an enemy in my habitation
1Samuel 2:32
The habitation was the house of God, the tabernacle, Shiloh
I’m giving up on Shiloh.
I’m going it up and I’m gonna give it over to the hands of the enemy.
That’s what’s exactly happening in America and the world today.
The organized religious system has been turned over to the enemy.
They’re gonna be a man standing in the pulpit.
They’re gonna give people what they want.
If you got idolatry in your heart, you’re gonna wind up in a church
with the preacher with idolatry in his heart.
And that preacher’s gonna minister that idol in your heart.
He’ll gonna tell you it’s ok to sin,
it’s all right to be a sports fanatic and not pray
or seek the face of God.
You can go to many churches, even Pentecostal churches.
And it’s death.
God’s not there.
God’s gone.
Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery,
and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal,
and walk after other gods whom you know not;
And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered
to do all these abominations?
Jeremiah 7:9-10
We’re safe.
We’re not in danger.
We’re not gonna lose our salvation.
Prophet says Go back now to my place which was in Shiloh
set my name at the first
See what I did to it for the wickedness of my people israel
Jeremiah 7:12
Church of Eli is under judgement
and being forsaken by the glory of the Lord.
God was busy raising up a remnant.
Samuel represents the holy remnant.
I want to show you how God trained
Samuel to come up to take the place of this dead religious system
how God had a plan.
This is what God gonna do.
It is what He is doing right now.
He’s training many of you.
I believe when I finish you will be able to know
whether or not you are a part of this remnant that He is raising up to do His works in last days.
First of all, the remnant is always birthed in prayer and intercession.
Hannah birthed Samuel to bitter tears and much prayer.
Listen, please.
You’re going to seek God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength.
You’re gonna feel the pain and grief of God for His church.
You’re gonna suffer consequences.
You’re gonna be misunderstood on all sides.
You’re gonna have people accuse you of all kinds of things.
Hannah prayed
If you give me a man child, I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life
1Samuel 1:11
And the word Samuel means God heard my prayer.
God’s hearing the prayer of a people in His house,
of a people who yearn for an outpouring of righteousness of Jesus Christ,
of a people who yearn for an outpouring of Holy spirit upon their sons and daughters,
a people who want to see the glory of the Lord come down on His church,
a people who want to see God moving in very special ways in these last days.
God is gonna hear that cry.
These are people who really want to seek Him.
These are people who are pouring their hearts out to God.
They were people that were given according to Hannah.
They were given to the Lord all days of their life.
These people are so committed.
There is no thought of back-sliding.
There is no up and down, in and out, hot and cold.
They are wholly given to the heart of God.
You know that Samuel was such a man of prayer?
And all the people said to Samuel
Pray for thy servants unto the Lord thy God,
that we die not
1Samuel 12:19
There gonna be a prayer remnant that people go not
for counseling but for prayer.
God wants to raise up prayer warriors who touched Heaven.
In the training of the remnant
it’s going to be trained to know the voice of the Lord.
The most important things you can learn
God called.
He speak to Samuel.
He wasn’t speak to Eli.
God is trying to raise up an army of people
who know His voice
who hear from Him directly.
What was the first thing God told Samuel, God implanted in Samuel?
He’s doing it in the remnant.
He planted a vision of God
that says God will not put up with sin in His house.
I wanna show you my hatred for sin in my house.
I wanna show you my hatred for compromise in the ministry.
I wanna show you what is gonna take Samuel
to hear my voice and walk with me.
The time is coming.
The time is coming when people
are gonna want to hear this word from Heaven.
Folks, if you wanna hear from God
God will speak to you.
That means you don’t go into His presence
caring you allowed sin with you.
You allow God to deal with that sin.
You allow God to take that temper away from you and sanctify it.
You ask God to do what He asked to do in your life.
The Bible says men’s hearts will fail and for fear
watching those things coming on the earth
Luke 21:26
Folks, it’s gonna be beyond anything we could imagine
But there’s going to be a holy remnant
that are steadfast and sure, unmovable.
You’re coming here now.
God will put divine principles in your soul and fire you up
and get you off the fence
and get you seeking His face
and deal with your sin in your heart.
Folks, get into this book.
Get into this book.
Get alone with God.
Let Him begin to speak to you.
the things that were despised.
I shall raise them up and anoint them.
I’ll send them forward to do exploits my name.
Volunteer your soul, body, spirit and mind.
Cry out to the Lord.
Here I am.
Send me.
I will lay hold upon you.
I will anoint you.
I will open doors for you.
I will stir your heart and you will know me,
you will know my voice.
I will use you to glorify my name.
You will never have a name but my name will be glorified
through your lips and your heart.
You will never be recognized.
But I will recognize you.
And on that day I will reward you
because you were faithful to the call.