The True Christians
The True Christians
(Christians In Name Only)
- David Wilkerson
Jesus preached so much about His return.
Jesus summed up the parable with this warning. After giving this parable (Matthews 25:1-13) the verse 13 “then, watch therefore” (now this is the words of Jesus, but not mine) “watch therefor for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man comes (Matthew25:13).”
Because they have no passion for Christ, they spend no time with Him, they are not seekers after Him, but the Bible says they are foolish. And, they are in real danger. They don’t soon recognize how vulnerable they are, because they are totally unprepared to meet Jesus when He comes.
There’s no talk about total commitment to Jesus Christ. There’s no talk here at all about love, devotion, commitment. “We'll do our own thing, just let us be called by your name.” They say I’m married to Christ. Ask them the last time that they spent 15 minutes in His presence loving Him. Ask them the last time that they picked up the Bible just to find out who Jesus is and even read one chapter.
Here are people that God has blessed. Here are people that God has touched and kept them. He’s given them health and strength. He’s given them children that love them. Young people even... God has them blessed and kept and protected. They can’t even lay down and say thank you Jesus.
The wise virgin cries out “O Lord, we wait for you. The desire of our souls is to Your name, and to the remembrance of you. (Isaiah 26:8)
Our soul desires in the night time. And, in my spirit within me, I seek Thee early. (Isaiah 26:9) I get up every day, and my heart goes to you, Jesus. I yearn after you.”
That’s the “True Christian.”
The true Christian cries out “my Beloved is mine and I am His (Song of songs 2:16).”
The Bible says when the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept (Matthew 25:5). This tells me we are living in the fulfillment of that prophecy right now. They were all slumbered. Even the wise were sleeping. I said, “Lord, How can the wise people who’ve been preparing and have extra oil, How can they go to sleep?” The truth is Jesus prophecied in the last days there’s going to be a great falling-away. Now this is very important. I want you to hear. This suggests to me just before Christ comes, there is going to be a great sleep, slothfulness, and slumber (to) come upon many Christians. Many many believers are going to be tested by this, I believe with everything in my heart.
I asked God to show me his grief that I can preach what he owns in his heart and in his mind.
Why would you want to bring into glory to be with you Christians in name only who really has been ashamed of you. Why would He want to have him in Heaven? Because they board now. Why would he take him to Heaven (to) be (on) board for eternity. Why would God want somebody with him? Why would he want you? You said "15 years ago I said I believe the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner God. Forgive my sins.” The Bible says even the devil believes and trembles. You are not even trembling (James 2:19). You say, “God loves me.” Yes, does He love you. There are gonna be many many people who’ll be lost, even though God loves them. Because He is God of justice. He is God of holiness. He is God of righteousness.
You know what I hear in my heart the Lord speaking. Not only do they neglect me, not only they are not in love with me, not only do they have no passion for me, no intimacy, they don’t even think about me.
I’ve got loving words for wise virgins also. Those who've begun to slumber.
This is what I believe is the grief of God.
So many wise servants are becoming foolish virgins.
They are turning away. They were in this category, and now they are moving into this category. And, God grieves over those He loves so much. This’s been burning in my spirit.
The prophets wept over backsliding preachers in his time. Isaiah cried out the watchmen’ve become blind and sleeping and now lying down they loving to slumber.
(Isaiah 56:10)
I have a message. Now I want every Christian (to) hear everyone of you (to) hear.
“I don’t fit to that category. I am not a foolish virgin. I have love in my heart for Jesus. I read my Bible. I am faithful. I have heart for God. I have passion for the Lord.”
Here is what the Scripture says.
Proverb 19:15 "Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep."
Slothfulness means the beginning to allow things you never allowed before in your life. Sloth is backing away from that zeal for God’s house he once had. It just drifts. It’s the beginning to drift little by little. First, it’s missing the time of prayer. They ended up being a Sunday morning Christian. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. You have to have an experience.
This has really been burning in my heart. When there is sluggishness, the Bible says, you become sluggish about my ways. and you begin to drift. That will cast you into a deep sleep. It will drive you into a sleep little here and little there. Something has to happen! This can’t go on! And, when we are getting so close to that day, you see there will be this cry “Our lamps are gone out!”
They don’t have resources to face what is coming.
Their heart, Jesus said, will fail them for fear.
They are going to run, the Christians are going to run to pastors,
and say, “What would I do? What would I do?”
Says, “Go buy oil from those who sell it.” I think the whole thing is the Lord is saying “There is not gonna be time.”
It simply is that.
“There is not gonna be time to build your Christian character.
There is not gonna be time to build your spiritual resources.
You are not gonna have the time.”
“Our lamps are gone out! We’re empty. We’re dry!
We’ve waste our life. We’ve wasted our time.
Now the coming of the Lord draws. I am not ready. I am not prepared.”
And you say if you have in your mind today that when Jesus comes or you die suddenly you’ll say,
“That moment I'll change. Death is going to change me. Suddenly I will have heart for Jesus. Suddenly I will be talking about Him. Suddenly I’ll be praising Him.”
No! No! No! Death does’t change anything.
You gonna be known as you are known now, the same character you have now when you stand before Jesus. Nothing’s gonna change. You are gonna stand before Him just as you are in your sins and wickedness. Nothing’s gonna change.
I said with tears and brokenness because I have to stand before God.
The Bible says while they are gone, the bridegroom came and the door was shut. And they came knocking and said “Lord, Lord let us in.” Jesus opens the door and says, “I don’t even know you (Matthew 25:12). I didn’t know you. You never tried to know me. Strangers.”
Take that and watch for a minute. I know many people say, ‘That doesn’t say going to hell,’ though. Folks, the Bible says the door shut. To me that’s frightening. To me what else can you say? the door shut. Jesus shut the door in your face. And, how hard that must be to the Savior? Because He is just and holy God. You were warned time and time and time again.
I accept the word of living God. I’m convicted. I want to go further than I’ve ever been. I want to know Jesus like I've never known Him. I want to give my time to Him.
Now Father, thank you. You are faithful to your Word.
What great love you have for us! Lord, you loved the wise,
you loved the foolish. But, you made the promise.
And ye shall seek me with all your heart, you will find me.
(Jeremiah 29:13)