Love Your God To The Last Breath

Love Your God To The Last Breath
(A Habitation of God
When a Man of God Loses His Faith)
David Wilkerson
Jesus is delighted in the knowledge that one day we will grow up to become his habitation that he can come, dwell, and abide in us.
I have called you friends;
for all things that I have heard of my father
I have made known to you.
John 15:15
He anticipated you being a man of prayer or a woman of prayer.
In quiet times, He’d give you a secret of His heart.
He would open this word to you.
You would see things nobody else saw or heard.
He would speak life to you.
This was why he was delighted.
I am going to have a people, a bosom friend and my bride,
someone I can talk to, someone I can share the burden of my heart with.
The secret is with the righteousness the Scripture says.
He anticipated the love relationship with you so intimately.
He rejoiced the anticipation of His bride delighting in His words.
David himself in Psalms 118:19 describes what those gates are.
Open to me the gate of righteousness
This is the believer.
This is the child of God who goes daily to the Word of God,
anxiously getting the word of the Lord
on how to walk in righteousness and holiness.
This is the one who says,
“I want to walk before the Lord with a pure heart.
I want a truth in the inner man.
I can't get it from somebody else.
I can't get it from books and tapes.
Oh, God I go to Your word, and I wait at Your gate,
at the gate of righteousness.
I wait for You to open the gate to me.”
Folks, that's the reason we begging plea with you to read this book daily. Because this is the gate of righteousness! This is the Gate!
Here is Jesus rejoicing before the world was made,
rejoicing and delighting over what he anticipates.
He's looking into the future, to the latter days.
He anticipates coming to His habitation.
Now that you know that Jesus anticipated before you were born.
You have time for shopping.
You have time for gardening.
You have time for everything.
You have no time for God.
You have no time for the bridegroom.
He anticipated this for years.
This was His delight before the world was created.
He looked forward long to that time with you.
I’m not talking about going to church and listening to the sermons.
This is about people falling so short of what God has planned for their life and having missed it. He had his mind to draw you so close to himself.
He had his mind to have such sweet fellowship with you to open His heart,
to fill you with knowledge of Himself. He has so many things He wants to show you.
He wants you to be so in love with him.
You couldn't endure a day without being shut with Him.
He wanted to take away your weaknesses, your fears, your feelings, inadequacy, your rejection. He wanted to teach you how to know and hear His voice.
Now I’m going to bring you a solemn warning, now.
Folks, I am trembling.
Jesus will not abide in the temple that ignores Him, that neglects Him.
Absolutely impossible.
When you don't go to your Bible day after day, week after week.
When you don't seek the face of God.
nobody sees you through except here in prayer.
You may come to all the meetings.
You come to the meetings and that's it. That's it.
But you have no personal relationship in private.
You have no time for Him in private.
If you don't hear what I am about to tell you,
all your works are going to burn when you stand before Christ.
All your works will burn.
You will stand empty, fruitless
Nothing bringing to the Master.
All the anticipations he had, all the great desires towards you,
you would abort it.
Now, let me tell you.
It's never too late to start over.
Lord, before this day is over,
I'm getting alone with You.
And I’m going to rehearse this truth in my heart.
I tremble at God' words.
God, hit my soul.
God, deal with me, and I will receive it.
This chapter (2Chronicles 14-16) chills me to the bone,
chills me to the bone.
It has shaken me to the core of my soul.
You'd ask him where this divine order came from.
He wouldn't point to his half-million army.
He wouldn't point all the buildings he'd built,
all the walls he'd built, all the inventions he had invented.
He wouldn't point any of his own ability.
He would say the secrete is I go to my closet and I pray.
I seek God. In prayer he tells what to do, where to go,
and He gives me promises. That's all that is.
No other secret than that.
Why would God send a prophet with the warning to the man that has just won the greatest victory in his career and in his life?
God understands the danger of those who love him,
those who are holy, those who are godly.
The danger of becoming weary and relaxing,
and becoming spiritually lazy after the greatest victories.
Asa, I bring a word from God's throne to you.
Be diligent now!
Be deligent more than you've ever.
You are going to need God more than you have ever needed Him.
You had a great victory. God has blessed you.
God has blessed you so
But now you’re going to be tested like you've never been tested in your life.
Now, God wants to reward you.
God has a test for you.
Be carful lest you get so busy
and lest your family, your ministry, and other things come in and attract you and take your time.
The anointing will have left. The favor will have left.
The divine order will be gone.
You'll just be like every other generations that had failed,
lost their faiths.
When he was seventy years of age,
God came to George Muller and said,
“You've been a man of prayer. But now I want you to pray more than you have ever prayed. Because I've got something else, I've got something for your last days.”
In seventy years of age, this man renewed his prayer life.
This man sought God as he'd never sought him.
Even at ninety five he was still preaching.
He has travelled for twenty five years around the world,
and stirred and changed lives of thousands of ministers.
Because he stayed on his faith, he didn't miss out.
He didn't lose his faith.
He didn't lose his anointing because he stayed on his faith before God.
And I can tell you of a story after a story.
A man of God who has been used,
who had anointing, who were blessed by God,
who were men of prayer, who were prophets.
In their old ages, in mid sixties and in their seventies,
I have been with some of them.
All I hear was stories of old-time religion, old revivals.
And there was no new word.
Because the man was sitting in front of TV set now.
He dosen’t set my soul on fire.
I don't want my children, my grandchildren who loved to hear me pray, who loved to hear the voice of God through my lips,
I don't ever want my children to see the grief
and saying with me sitting in front of television all day,
never opening my Bible, not seeking God,
saying ‘What happened to Dad?’
God, keep me broken!
God, keep this church broken!
God, don't let us sit back on requests of blessings, and get lazy,
and see disorder come again to this house.
We don't want stand sermonizing on this pulpit.
We don't just want crowds.
We want Your glory in this house.
We want Your glory in Your house.
Oh, God. I’m trembled at Your Words.
Let us tremble this morning.
It is possible for godly men and godly women who once prayed
who once had such an anointing to finally lose it.
In this day of temptation, all hell is breaking and lose.
God help us determine I will seek God.
I will seek God with all my heart,
all my soul, all my strength, all that is in me.
Examine your heart right now.
Have you been on your faith?
Have you given God time every day now?
Are you seeking Him at all? Are you crying out to Him?
Are you praying and seeking God that he give you revelation of Himself?
Are you seeking Him?
Here’s your prophetic word from heaven.
If you are seeking me, you will find me.
If you continue forsaking me, I will forsake you.
(~2Chronicles 15:2)
Right now you set your heart.